Angelic beings are created beings and are allowed to exist to serve the glory of God and Christ. However, some angels rebel against God and oppose His purpose. As the Bible tells us, old age is subject to these rebellious angels who are hostile to God's rule and to humans. The devil or Satan is the leader of these rebellious forces and the nemesis of God. Satan is mentioned to be the ruler of the air and the god of this age. His goal is to blind people's minds to understanding the saving power of the gospel. And he even raises up false apostles and prophets to distort the truth of the gospel. At the end of the age, the power of Satan will appear in the form of man, who is lawless and deceptive. But in the end, Satan is destined to perish. God will crush him under the feet of the saints. 

On the other hand, there are holy angels who keep their original position and serve God. Holy angels are listed as witnesses to Jesus' ascension, and they will accompany the Lord Jesus as he reveals from heaven to put judgment upon the unrighteous.
