Discipleship Services

The teaching unit of our ministry mainly focuses on making disciples. Making disciples is a process that may take an extended period of time. It is more than transferring the right knowledge about God and Jesus. It is relationship and instructing people how to know Jesus and be like him and to obey God. So, discipleship is the process of learning to love and follow Jesus and becoming more like him in attitudes and actions.

 Elements of Discipleship 

Discipleship is the process of making disciples, and has four important elements, such as the Word of God, the Holy Spirit, Fellowship, and Mission.

  • The word of God: The word of God is the living two edged sword by which God transforms the lives of disciples into the likeness of Christ. The word of God makes the disciples to know what to believe, how to think, and what teachings are to obey.
  • Holy Spirit: Holy Spirit is one of the Godhead who transforms the lives of disciples and works through them so that they become more and more like Jesus.
  • Fellowship: The Disciples of Jesus focused on relationships one another to help others and to make disciples.
  • Mission: Mission is a priority to disciples in order to fulfill the great commission. In mission disciples make others the disciples of Christ and grow to be more and more like Jesus.

The first step to discipleship is conversion followed by a series of maturing processes. Disciple-making involves a maturing process while evangelism is simply announcing the good news.